Friday, April 30, 2010


Dr. called to say the pathology report says no cancer left behind! Yeah! Clean margins. There is still some microcalcification and duct hyperplasia (meaning there are cells in there that are on their way to becoming cancer, but the radiation will stop that) These clean margins may mean no radiation boost to the tumor site, I find that out on May 10th. So now I have peace of mind, no tumors left behind, no cancer lurking in the margins. When the bandages come off and the swelling goes down, we'll see what aesthetic price I had to pay. This means recurrence on a local level is under control by removal and radiation and on a systemic level will be addressed by the Tamoxifen. Now I feel my prognosis is VERY good. I can take that big sigh of relief I've been holding, I'd jump for joy, but I'm still under doctor's order of no bouncing. so for now.....Yippeeeee!!!!


  1. As sister far away from heart is heavy, but full of positive thoughts and love and strength for you !!!! keep the spirits up!!!

  2. Wow, that's great news! I'm so happy for you. Your paintings are really wonderful too - art - it's so healing, besides expressive.

  3. Now, that's what I like hearing......

  4. THanks for your feedback and the support for going against the grain when it comes to doctor recommendations.

  5. Yea! Another BIG milestone. So glad you took the extra surgery. Next ... radiation, tomoxifan ... so glad we live with today's medical methods instead of just the herbs, love and prayers they had in times past. Nevertheless, I'm sending your love and prayer!

