Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Going forward

No second surgery to be done. The 2nd opinion oncologist in WC wrote me:

"I did have an opportunity to talk with Dr. O'N today (the surgeon), and the answer is that there is no more margin to be had, and she has already resected as much as she can. You should go ahead with your radiation."

I'm somewhat relieved. I really didn't want a 2nd surgery, I haven't quite healed from the first one. Any cancer left in my breast should be zapped and killed with radiation, and then if that doesn't get them, the 5 years of daily oral Tamoxifen will block the estrogen receptors on the tumor cells and not allow them to grow. My chance of a reoccurence remains at 6%, so odds are in my favor! Whew. Now I can go forward. CT scan on Friday to chart the coordinates of the beams to my breast so that they minimize radiation exposure to my heart and lungs. I assume radiation starts next week. I'll go daily for 5-7 weeks, not sure yet. Lucky for me there is valet parking. I've heard it makes you very tired and then it takes a few weeks to get your energy back. I'm open to donations of healthy soups and such to keep me going, and then it will be summertime, when the living is easy!

1 comment:

  1. I pray for you each and every night for a speedy recovery!!!!!!!! You rock as my sistha!!!! Love you...Debbie
