Thursday, February 28, 2013

5th Chakra. Throat. Creativity, Communications

The dance class is a collaboration.  The altar design was spectacular last night and again, it's uncanny how my painting fit in perfectly.  I open to Eva's lead, exploring the 5th Chakra of communication, creativity, and connection.   Dancers are happy, alive and dropped in and jamming, by themselves and with each other.  I spent two hours letting the energy dance me like a flame...with it's flow, its rhythm, it's beat, and it's "other dimension" that lifts and shakes my body, opening up meridians and aligning chakras, while letting the life force energy burn through me.  Like a self cleaning oven, the crud is burned off and I become a channel that flows fully.  It's aerobic, it's grounded, it's's fast, it's taut, it's slow...and it comes from deep within me. I can trust myself each moment.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Heart is the 4th Chakra

This is the Heart Chakra and the color is green.
The heart is the unconditional and accepting presence which lives at the core of all of us - that part of us that is  unhurt and full of love.  It may be open and offering at times, and it may be small and protected at times, but if we are alive, it is always there.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

My Love Poem

The spirit that comes through me is as divine as the rising sun.
Through out the day, as the light brightens,
my desire and my will 
coalesce into power:
taut with life, 
offering love, 
open to receive.
Tethered to the core,
suspended from above,
I trust myself in each moment.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Second Chakra

This week we are discovering the qualities of the 2nd Chakra.

In Sanskrit, the second chakra is called Svadisthana, which translates as "one's own place or base,Trying to influence the outer world is not the province of the second chakra. Instead of demanding that our body or a relationship be different, the second chakra encourages us to feel the feelings that arise as we open to life just as it is. As we allow ourselves to accept what is, we taste the sweetness (and bittersweetness) of life. When we relax our resistance to life, our hips let go, our reproductive organs become less tense, and we're open to experiencing our sensuality and sexuality.