This is what I came up with. People dancing in community, filling space above, below, in front, beside and behind them. In a faceted world. Now I see it as my family, bound together in a house of cards, vulnerable to falling through the cracks. I try and keep the yellow field strong for them, offering love and support so that they don't slip through the bars. There is only so much I can do in my compromised energy level? Am I doing the right things? Should I be doing more? Is there enough structure that I can do less? let go? focus on myself? Go out into the world 10 hours a day to bring home the bacon and provide a roof over their heads, money to pay for their activities, and have health insurance to stave off disaster? Is it too much for me to handle or do I trust myself to persevere and believe we will still be connected and loving when some of it falls apart?
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