Thursday, February 28, 2013

5th Chakra. Throat. Creativity, Communications

The dance class is a collaboration.  The altar design was spectacular last night and again, it's uncanny how my painting fit in perfectly.  I open to Eva's lead, exploring the 5th Chakra of communication, creativity, and connection.   Dancers are happy, alive and dropped in and jamming, by themselves and with each other.  I spent two hours letting the energy dance me like a flame...with it's flow, its rhythm, it's beat, and it's "other dimension" that lifts and shakes my body, opening up meridians and aligning chakras, while letting the life force energy burn through me.  Like a self cleaning oven, the crud is burned off and I become a channel that flows fully.  It's aerobic, it's grounded, it's's fast, it's taut, it's slow...and it comes from deep within me. I can trust myself each moment.


  1. The alter scenes are powerful images that carry the message and set the stage for the dance.
    Thank you for beautiful paintings and soulful energy that flows from them.

  2. The 5th Chakra painting style is like a ceramic tile design with crackle glaze. The '3rd eye' popping from each bloom reminds me of deep knowledge within or omnipotent awareness.
