Sunday, December 2, 2012

Home from the Tropics

I took the boys to Puerto Vallarta over Thanksgiving to join my cousins at Villa Celeste, a beautiful home facing the ocean with a stepped pool at the beach.  We swam before breakfast, after breakfast, upon returning back from excursions, before dinner and then after dinner. I was a mermaid. The moon was waxing, the temperature was in the 80's and I could walk along the beach, watch the tide pools fill and empty with the rythym of the waves or jump in the warm ocean and feel the strong currents. I was relaxed and happy, enjoying the visual delight of the art and textiles.  We went south and took a water taxi toYelapa and spent another day climbing through the botanical gardens amidst the exotic leaves.

Upon my return, the theme from Eva for dance on Wednesday was roots go deep and have mountain countenance while leaves sway in the wind and are released.

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