My Wiccan friend, Neala, has offered to send guidance in following the phases of the moon phases.
The Goddess in You
Creative dates: June 2 - 15
Moon phase: new moon waxing to full on 6/12
As the Sun grows stronger and the days grow longer, we move into the full strength of the sun. The high spring rites of Beltaine have recently past (May 1) and the magic of Litha or Midsummer's Eve (June 21) approaches.
The fruit is on the vine, on the branches, and awaits the ripening kiss of summer days. It is a time of growth and bringing things to fruition.
For this two week period we bring our focus to Vesta, the the Goddess of Fire.
She is the Goddess of the hearth in every facet: the hearths of our Hearts, our Homes and our communities. She dwells in the flames of every altar and fireplace. Vesta means simply “hearth” and comes from the same root meaning “to shine”.
Vesta is the Goddess of the hearth and home - the central Fire that sustains human life with heat and food. She is a Goddess of nourishment and warmth; of the home, womyn and family.